도쿄 스시 가도 아쿠아시티 오다이바점

itamae sushi

에도만직송 회전 도쿄 스시 가도 아쿠아시티 오다이바점

The Fish of Edo Bay is the Best in Japan!

Did you know that the finest sushi restaurants in Tokyo predominantly use fish from Edo Bay? It is said that the fish here are so rich and fatty because Edo Bay is filled with plankton and small fish brought in by the Kuroshio Current.

From premium fish for high-end sushi to everyday catches for local tables, Edo Bay (Tokyo Bay) benefits from the abundant marine life brought by the Kuroshio Current, making it home to a wide variety of fish. This rich aquatic environment, considered Tokyo’s great natural fish tank, supplies the best fresh fish to famous sushi restaurants across Tokyo.

We carefully select and provide these fish at reasonable prices, sourced from the many ports around Edo Bay, where the best seafood is caught and delivered to top restaurants. When you come to Tokyo, we invite you to fully enjoy Tokyo sushi at its finest.

Let us take you on a journey through Tokyo’s finest culinary delights. Experience the true taste of Edo-style ingredients.

에도만직송 회전 도쿄 스시 가도 아쿠아시티 오다이바점


도쿄도 미나토구 다이바 1초메 7번 1호 아쿠아시티 오다이바 6F

火~日  11:30~15:00 17:00~22:00

※음식, 주류, 청량음료 모두 라스트 오더는 폐점 시간 30분 전이다.
정기 휴일
月(공휴일인 경우 다음 영업일)
총 좌석 수
유리카모메:다이바역 도보 1분
오다이바 해변공원역 도보 3분
린카이선:도쿄 텔레포트역 도보 6분